You knew the military lifestyle had its difficulties but how could you prepare for all the conflicting feelings it brings? Maybe being away from family and friends, your spouse being away at trainings or deployments, and now COVID has you feeling alone and isolated. Perhaps the stress of managing the house, kids, and responsibilities of being solo has bubbled to the surface. Not to mentions other peoples judgments telling you “you signed up for this.”


You are not in this alone and I can give you the support you need to navigate through this time.

When you married your spouse, you knew it would be hard, but you had no idea how challenging military life would be. You used to feel like you had control over your life but now it feels like the military directs and dictates your life too. Maybe the career that you worked so hard for has become non-existent after adding children to your family and moving. 


Then you add deployments, TDY’s, field time, and extra duty assignments in, and suddenly everything becomes your responsibility and the one support system you have is gone.  You don’t want to burden your spouse with your feelings of loneliness, resentment, or worry when their job is stressful enough. And the friends we do have, have their own stuff going on or we don’t want to burden them with our problems.


  • VALIDATE your experience and struggles as a military spouse to know you are not alone or abnormal

  • IDENTIFY difficult thoughts, emotions and behaviors that are causing you to stay stuck

  • EQUIP you with practical tools to challenge unhealthy thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

  • EMPOWER you to begin to become self-aware and then self-correct any unhealthy thoughts, emotions, and behaviors


You find yourself feeling isolated, alone, overwhelmed and empty. You don’t feel like yourself and these feelings of loneliness and bitterness are dragging you down. You want to feel fulfilled and find purpose again. It is important to take care of yourself, even when you are taking care of everyone else. Life as a military family is stressful, but it doesn’t have to control your life. Let me tell you there is HOPE. You can still have your own voice, your own dreams, and your own goals.

As a prior military spouse, I understand the unique challenges you face. I understand what it means to have to uproot your life every few years and start completely over (try 5 moves in 6 years, yikes!). Together, we can work on the specific struggles and stressors that make it hard for you to feel stable and confident in your role as a military spouse. You will learn new ways to find independence, control, and peace in the midst of a life that often seems to try to take those from you.

I provide counseling for military spouses in the Clarksville and Nashville Tennessee area who are struggling to adjust to the military lifestyle, distress in their relationships and anxiety. I help military spouses implement practical solutions and healthy coping skills as well as teach them to set realistic expectations and boundaries to be more of themselves.